Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What Would I Be? My adventures series

Hey guys, here's an inspiring story that I'm sure will inspire you a lot, hope you find out the theme, hahah!

The girls at my school have always wanted to stick with the silly fashion fads. But I always looked the same, because I didn't like those silly fads. But everything changed for me that day. The girls were now starting to tease me about this dum thing! Trying to escape from the bullies I came to shool the next day wearing what was really on fashion. I didn't like it, but I also didn't like being bullied and I had to choose one of them, not two. When I came in with my new "style" everybody was asking if I could be their friend. Ibecame popular in a second! BUt then, after my other friends saw me, they walked away. If one of my friends had done that, I would have walked too. I knew this was not the right thing to do, but I had to stick with it. Sfter the months passed, I started to become mean to the normal kids that looked like the person I used to be. But one day, the nrdie guy that used to be my best friend, came up to me and said "Is this who you are, or is this someone else?" I answered inmediately, not telling the truth "What do you mean? I've always been like this" "No, before you used to stand for people like me, before, you used to be yourself'" Thoae words really afected me, I ran away as I was thinking about what he had said he was right. The next day I wasn't popular anymore, I was just me, but I was proud of it, and the nerdie guys was proud of it too.

Hey, did this story teach you something? I hope!

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