Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lily and the secrets of kindergarden:2

It was Tuesday and Lili was just ready for school. Since Mrs. fairy had told her that maybe today she and her class will see the white wicht she was super excited.”Time to go!” cried her mother, and that’s how the day started. When they arrived to school they notested there was a breakfast feast.”A breakfast feast?” Lili asked confused “I’ve never heard of that it sounds weird” “I guess you can ask you’re teacher about this” her mom said. After that they took 4 picks to take home and they took they’re way to the Mrs.fairy’s class.”Good morning students” Mrs. fairy said, then Lili quickly raised her hand “why is there a breakfast feast at the cafeteria ?, I never heard of that” “ho it’s because of the white witch, she celebrates her best magic trick with a breakfast feast every year” Mrs. fairy said “so do you want to go meet her?” “yes!” everyone yelled happily as they hurried out the door. Now that they were in the front of her office they we’re scared to knock.”Don’t worry, you will be fine and remember white witches are super nice” Mrs. fairy said. Lili knocked at the door expecting someone to be there, and after Lili finished her last knock a girl opened the door “could I help you with something?” the white witch asked, Lili stepped to the front “hello my name is Lili and we are here to meet you, the truth is that we heard some rumors about you and we also want to ask you: Are you the white witch?” “yes I am and my name is Jasmine, welcome to the magic world” “magic world? What are you talking about” the whole class asked “ho, so you don’t know let me explain: I said welcome to the magic world because the world you are living in is a magic world, that’s why you discovered me. The truth again, is that all the magic creatures have a meeting at this school/magic world every year to celebrate the good things they’ve done and the bad things, they also talk about what’s the record or challenge for the year and what they need to do” jasmine said softly and kindly “and as you can see I’m  the white witch, and well, I have a lot of work to do so I should get back to work bye!” she said as she closed the door. All the kids we’re amazed.”Time to go home students” Mrs. fairy said, after that they all waved back and went out the door. ”So sweetie, did you get to meet the white witch?”Her mom asked “yes, her name is Jasmine and she was the one who prepared the breakfast feast” Lili said “well I guess you had a lot of fun right? Tell me about it”. So as they walked home Lili told her mom all about the white witch and her day.

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