Friday, June 12, 2015

The Moon's Tale

I am the moon, and I have a story to tell
From the highest mountain
To the deepest well
I am no work without my sun
Because he makes my heart light up
And makes every moment count
He is the light of my morning
The light of my heart
And no matter who I am
He will always be there

If people had the heart to be who they are
They would be
But don’t blame em’
They just need somebody
Somebody who has faith
Somebody who really cares
Let that person be you


I hope my heart always does the right, and if it does the wrong it’s my fault for putting so much pressure to it. It is me, who I have to blame for being so stupid and dumb. But I’ll give myself another chance, another chance to try again, and if I don’t make it, I’ll do it again, ‘til I succeed and I’ll do the right once and for all. And I’m gonna proof I’m not so dumb at all.

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