Friday, June 19, 2015

Take the prolouge of one of my new books, Moonlight's Tale, make sure to check out the blog for new chapters of the book and make sure to give me a like and subscribe!

Moonlight’s Tale

BY – Saray Gomez
Illustrated by- Word  2013

     To my friend


When I was small, I was a nice little girl, always caring for the good of others. My mom, Sleeping Beauty always took great care of me in the castle. However you want to call her, I always wore pink dresses, and light colored shoes, I never wore dark.  But the day I turned 16 I got the worst and darkest gift anyone could ever receive. Death, on the day of my sixteenth birthday the love of my life died, or at least that’s what I was told. He had black straight hair and he was the son of King Charming, Cinderella’s husband. He was the only light of my heart and the love of my heart, even though he didn’t know it, His name was Jacob. When I heard these horrible news, my eyes filled with tears of pain. These tears were so blue they looked like dark ocean water. I didn’t talk for the rest of the day. My heart was great with pain. And since that day, I chose to never be happy princess I used to be, never. I asked my seamstress for a black outfit, no skirts, shirt and pants. At night I put on those clothes, I looked like a biker that was about to kill anybody who was on its way. I had a black short top that had a golden zipper. The outfit also had leather black pants with a leather black jacket with silver borders. It also had gloves that only showed off my fingertips and a black hat, which covered the top of my head and let my whole mane at the back shown. But I was too hurt to say or think, “This outfit is awesome!” I got my bags and left the castle out the window, I was about to start a new life in the dark woods of the forest. And I wasn’t only going to do that, I wouldn’t stop until I found him. I would never go back home.

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